Purple Rain
Gran Sasso – Francesco Maglia 1854 – Luca Ichini – Soffio – Berwich
Buongiorno a tutti!
Come state?
Il tempo non è dei migliori, piove ed è freddo e quale giorno migliore per indossare lo splendido maglione Gran Sasso e i pantaloni Berwich stampa cashmere; davvero belli abbinati insieme.
Cappotto doppio petto verde e la scarpa doppia fibbia di Luca Ichini dark brown, accattivante con il fondo carro armato.
in questo giorno di pioggia ho avuto finalmente modo di usare il nuovo ombrello Francesco Maglia 1854 ,
non un semplice oggetto, ma un pezzo di storia italiana.
Zaino Soffio e il gioco è fatto!
Spero vi piaccia.
A presto
Hello everyone!
How you doing?
The weather is quite bad during these days, it’s raining and it’s cold and what a better season to wear the beautiful Gran Sasso sweater and the printed cashmere pants by Berwich : really beautiful paired together.
Double breasted coat and double buckle shoes by Luca Ichini dark brown, catching with their grip – fast.
During these rainy days, I finally had the chance to use my new umbrella by Francesco Maglia 1854 : not a mere object, but a true piece of the Italian history.
How you doing?
The weather is quite bad during these days, it’s raining and it’s cold and what a better season to wear the beautiful Gran Sasso sweater and the printed cashmere pants by Berwich : really beautiful paired together.
Double breasted coat and double buckle shoes by Luca Ichini dark brown, catching with their grip – fast.
During these rainy days, I finally had the chance to use my new umbrella by Francesco Maglia 1854 : not a mere object, but a true piece of the Italian history.
Soffio backpack and it’s done!
Hope you like.
See you soon
Hope you like.
See you soon